These timeless tips gotten from the teachings of Masters of Time and Space will help you live a healthier and successful life:
"A course well begun is half done"
A career well begun--a life commenced properly, with wise forecast, with prudent rules of action, and under the influence of sound and pure, moral and religious principles--is an advance, half-way at least, to ultimate success and prosperity. Such a commencement will not, truly, insure you against the misfortunes which are
incident to earthly existence. But if persevered in, it will guard you against the long catalogue of evils, vexatious penalties and wretchedness, which are the certain fruit of a life of immorality; and will bestow upon you all the real enjoyments, within the earthly reach of man.
I would not cast one unnecessary shadow on the pathway of the young;but they should be often reminded, that the season of youth, whits romance and heartiness, soon, too soon, departs!
Spring, with its budding beauties, and fragrant blossoms, does not continue all the year. It is speedily followed by the fervid summer, the mature and sober autumn, and the dreary snows of winter. In order to have thriving and promising fields in summer, rich and abundant harvests in autumn, and bountiful supplies for comfort and repose in winter, "good seed" must be sowed in the spring.
"The worst of all crimes, and that which receives the most painful of all penalties, is to rob yourself of your peace of mind."
There is nothing more essential to the young than to accustom themselves to mature reflection, and practical observation, in regard to the duties of life, and the sources of human enjoyment. This is a task, however, which but few of the youthful are inclined to undertake. The most of them are averse to giving up their thoughts to sober meditation on the consequences which accrue from different courses of conduct, or to practical observation on the lessons taught by the experience of others. The Present!-the Present!--its amusements, its fashions, its luxuries, absorbs nearly all their thoughts. They have little relish to look towards the future, except to anticipate the continuance of the novelty and joyousness of the spring-time of life.
Cherish self-respect. Have a deep regard for your own estimation of your own merits. Look with scorn and contempt upon low and vicious practices. Cultivate pride of character. I care not how proud the
youthful are of all their valuable attainments, their correct habits, their excellings in that which is manly, useful, and good. The more pride of this description, the better. Though it should reach even to egotism and vanity, it is much better than no pride in these things. This pride in doing right is one of the preserving ingredients, the very salt of man's moral character, which prevents from plunging into vice.
It is unwise to think you can command respect; you can only attract that which you are; when you deserve respect, it shall be given to you in abundance because you own it -- because it's part of you.
"Learn to shun an unfruitful deadly path on which many people travel"
A well-established habit of practical observation, enables the youthful to guard against the mistakes of conduct, into which others have fallen, and to make the shortcomings of their fellow-beings, salutary admonitions for their own instruction. When thoughtful, observing young persons, see an individual do a mean,
unmanly action, they will reflect much upon it. They will notice how contemptible it makes him appear--how it degrades him in the estimation of the honorable and high-minded--how it belittles him in the view of society at large--and how unworthy it makes him appear even in his own eyes. These observations, if faithfully made, will guard them against like acts themselves.
When they see neighbors, who might promote each other's enjoyments, by living peaceably together, fall out in regard to some trivial misunderstanding, and engage in angry disputes, and a bitter warfare, disturbing the harmony of the neighborhood, and destroying their own happiness--the young who exercise practical observation, will be instructed, to avoid similar troubles in their own affairs.
They will realize the folly and blindness of such a course, and the necessity of exercising a forbearing and forgiving spirit, and the wisdom of submitting to injuries, if need be, rather than to become involved in angry recriminations and hostilities.
Thus by a constant habit of observation and reflection, the youthful can turn the failings of others to their own account. As the industrious bee extracts honey from the most nauseous substances, so can the thoughtful and observing draw instruction not only from the example of the wise, but from the folly of the wicked!
"Pure thoughts hallow all things by their sacred touch"
Many imagine it is a matter of small moment what their thoughts may be, so long as in action they do not
transgress the requirements of virtue. This, however, is a serious error. The outward action is but the expression of the inward thought. Wicked deeds would never have birth, were they not first prompted by wicked desires. Hence if the young would have their words and deeds characterized by purity, they must see that their hearts and thoughts are constantly pure.
Due observation and reflection will enable the young to sow the right kind of seed at the right time. There is much in this. Those who sow late will be likely to have their harvest blighted by chilling rains and nipping frosts.
The earlier the seed is cast into the ground, the greater the certainty that it will produce an
abundant crop. Reflection and discrimination are all-essential to the youthful. Those who think deeply will act wisely. They will detect and avoid the dangers which beset their pathway, and into which the thoughtless so easily fall. They will readily penetrate the specious appearance, the harmless aspect, the deceptive veil,
which vice and immorality can so readily assume. They will understand that "all is not gold that glitters."
"After one's body must have been cast in 6-feet of the ground and one's memory still flutters among the livings; that one's names will never be forgotten -- only then can one say they have traveled the Jungle of Life and they have achieved greatly"
Live for something besides _self_. Build with your own hands, the monument that shall perpetuate your memory, when the dust has claimed your body. Do good. Live for others, if you would be embalmed in their recollections.
Many of men breathe, move, and live--travel the Jungle of Life, and are heard of no more. You ask Why? - they did not a particle of good in the world; and none were blessed by them; none could point, and to them as the instruments of their redemption; not a line they wrote, not a word they spoke could be recalled, and so they perished; their light went out in darkness, and they were not remembered more than the insects of yesterday.Live for something.
Do good, and leave behind you a splash, in this world, the storm of time can never destroy. Write your names kindly and passionately, as you want to be remembered, on the hearts of the thousands you come to meet on your journey, and you will never be forgotten. Your names--your deeds--will be as legible on the hearts you leave behind, as the remains of dead plants and animals stick to the rock.
This blog is truly extraordinary in all aspects.
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